Full Version Software
Full Version Software |
- KMSnano v14 Automatic Final [Fast & Working Activator for All Version Windows 8 + Office 2013]
- ZbigZ Premium Account 22 January 2013
- ESET Smart Security 6.0.308.0 (x86/x64) + Working Activator 2013
- ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6.0.308.0 (x86/x64) + 100% Working Activator 2013
- Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2013, Visio 2013, Project Plus 2013 Serial Number 21 January 2013 [100% Working & Permanent Activation]
- GameBoost + Crack
- GameGain Full Version
- Maxprog eMail Verifier 3.6.2
- Advanced SystemCare Pro + Serial Number
- Windows 8 Pro Retail & Windows Media Center Serial Number 21 January 2013 [Working 100% & Permanent Activation]
- Maxprog FTP Disk 1.1.9 + Keygen
- Backup Outlook 3.0.20 Full Version
- Maxprog eMail Bounce Handler 3.8.4 Full Version
- App Tamer v1.3.2 Mac OS X
- Yamicsoft Windows 8 Manager v1.0.5 + Keymaker
KMSnano v14 Automatic Final [Fast & Working Activator for All Version Windows 8 + Office 2013] Posted: 21 Jan 2013 10:10 AM PST KMSnano v14 Automatic Final Release | 29 MB KMSnano v14 Automatic Final Release - KMSnano - is the ideal tool to activate the final version of Windows 7/8 and Office 2010/2013. Activator does not require user intervention, the entire activation process takes place in the background, just run the activator and a couple of minutes to check the activation status of Windows and/or Office. KMSnano v14 Automatic Final Release Features: • Universal (Activates Windows Vista/7/8 Pro/Enterprise/N/VL and Office 2010/2013 Retail/VL.) • Does not require user intervention (enough to run the activator). • Simultaneous activation immediately and Windows, and Office. KMSnano v14 Automatic Final Release With KMSnano can: • Activate Windows 8 Enterprise • Activate Windows 8 Professional • Activate Microsoft Office 2013 • Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2013 • Activate Microsoft Office Project 2013 • Activate Microsoft Office 2010 • Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2010 • Activate Microsoft Office Project 2010 • Activate Windows 7 Enterprise • Activate Windows 7 Professional • Activate Windows Vista Enterprise • Activate Windows Vista Professional KMSnano v14 Automatic Final Release
- Requirements: .NET 4.0 or Windows 8. Important: Better disable the automatic windows update, we never know. 1. Run on KMSnano.exe with Admin Rights. 3. Wait activation process. 4. Done. To see the Log file check: %Temp%\KmsNano.log Should you run into trouble: Decompress KMSnano.exe with 7-Zip and run "Manual.cmd" If you used a hacktivation on your installation before: Decompress KMSnano.exe with 7-Zip and run "Fix hacktivations.cmd" In case you used a retail key and you want convert to Windows VL: Decompress KMSnano.exe with 7-Zip and run "Convert_Windows_Retail2VL.cmd" In case you want do everything manually, check the *.cmd scripts inside; they work without .NET Framework 4.0. Tested Working Office 2013 Pro on Windows 8 Ent. [Wmware Workstation] KMSnano v14 : Based in KMSmicro v3.10 of Ratiborus. File : LaNanov14.zip Size : 29,19 MB CRC32 : 1012cd2d MD5 : 0f8fb88315bb493b2aff4f0cd3370f75 SHA1 : fdecc748514846439c2fff6c1e129b4a3258f3fe Change Log: - Faster for Windows 8 and Office 2013 in Windows 8 with KMSELDI v7 In case problems with W8 and Office 2013 use KMSnano v13 - New KMS Client - Faster AutoCharging in Qemu. - Add TriggerKMS v5.1 RAR PASSWORD : software182.com PROOF |
ZbigZ Premium Account 22 January 2013 Posted: 21 Jan 2013 10:01 AM PST Go to this link to get your premium account Zbigz adalah penyedia layanan online yang dapat mengubah file torrent menjadi file yang bisa di download dengan IDM. Untuk free user biasanya hanya dapat mengupload file torrent sebanyak 2 kali dalam seminggu dan dengan kecepatan maksimal "hanya" 150 Kbps, namun jika menggunakan akun premium bisa mengupload file torrent sebanyak apapun dan dengan kecepatan maksimal alias unlimited' klik link di bawah ini untuk mendapatkan akun premium zbigz, klik "skip ad" sebanyak 5 kali yaaa :) PASSWORD : software182.com KLIK "SKIP ADS" 5 UNTUK MENUJU KE LINK TNY.CZ SAYA BIASA UPDATE COOKIE SELAMA SETIAP JAM SEKALI, JADI KUNJUNGI TERUS UNTUK MENDAPATKAN PREMIUM COOKIE TERBARU SETELAH AKUN PREMIUM AKTIF, TOLONG JANGAN HAPUS FILE ORANG LAIN !!! DAN JANGAN PERNAH LOG OUT ! ATAU COOOKIE AKAN JADI EXPIRED ! DI BAWAH INI ADALAH BUKTI AKUN PREMIUM ZBIGZ HARI INI, NO HOAX ! |
ESET Smart Security 6.0.308.0 (x86/x64) + Working Activator 2013 Posted: 21 Jan 2013 09:45 AM PST ESET Smart Security 6.0.308.0 (x86/x64) + Working Activator 2013 | 145 MB ESET Smart Security menawarkan teknologi deteksi canggih dan multi-fitur keamanan berlapis. Dirancang untuk mendeteksi berbagai macam virus, pemindaian komputer dengan cepat, fitur keamanan paket dan pilihan kustomisasi untuk keamanan yang konsisten dan personal secara online atau offline. ESET Smart Security dibangun pada teknologi heuristik yang unik yang mengidentifikasi berbagai macam virus yang belum pernah terlihat sebelumnya. Hal ini memungkinkan mereka untuk melindungi komputer kamu secara proaktif, secara real-time, terhadap virus baru dan ancaman cyber lainnya. ESET Smart Security memiliki semua fitur yang sama seperti ESET NOD32 Antivirus dengan penambahan kontrol orangtua, modul antispam, dan firewall cerdas. Perubahan 6.0.308.0: Fix: Plugin Outlook yang crash dalam situasi tertentu Fix: Masalah pemindaian SSL dengan tipe tertentu dari data Perhatian : Guna mempermudah proses aktivasi, uninstall dahulu versi ESET yang kamu miliki sebelumnya. DOWNLOAD 32 BIT VERSION HERE DOWNLOAD 64 BIT VERSION HERE ESET ALL IN ONE ACTIVATOR 2013 PASSWORD : software182.com |
ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6.0.308.0 (x86/x64) + 100% Working Activator 2013 Posted: 21 Jan 2013 09:37 AM PST ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6.0.308.0 (x86/x64) + 100% Working Activator 2013 | 134 MB ESET NOD32 Antivirus adalah sebuah software Antivirus ringan dan mudah yang menawarkan teknologi deteksi canggih dan multi-fitur keamanan berlapis. Dirancang untuk jejak rendah dalam pendeteksian virus, pemindaian cepat, fitur keamanan paket dan pilihan kustomisasi untuk keamanan yang konsisten dan personal secara online-atau offline. ESET NOD32 Antivirus dibangun pada teknologi heuristik yang unik yang mengidentifikasi ESET virus yang belum pernah terlihat sebelumnya. Hal ini memungkinkan software untuk melindungi komputer kamu secara proaktif, secara real-time, terhadap virus baru dan ancaman cyber yang konvensional berbasis signature berbagai produk antivirus produk. ESET NOD32 Antivirus termasuk antivirus, antispyware, antirootkit dan perlindungan HIPS, kontrol media removable, dan perlindungan cloud serta sudah ditingkatkan untuk membolehkan akses dan juga modus gamer. Fix: plugin Outlook yang crash dalam situasi tertentu Fix: Masalah pemindaian SSL dengan tipe tertentu dari data DOWNLOAD 32 BIT VERSION HERE DOWNLOAD 64 BIT VERSION HERE DOWNLOAD ALL IN ONE ACTIVATOR HERE |
Posted: 21 Jan 2013 09:44 AM PST ![]() Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2013, Visio 2013, Project Plus 2013 Serial Number 21 January 2013 [100% Working & Permanent Activation] | 1.3 MB Akhirnya setelah sekian lama mencari, Inilah dia serial number Microsoft Office 2013 yang Asli. Download dan gunakan sebelum di blacklist ! Serial Number ini hanya untuk versi RETAIL BUKAN VERSI VOLUME LICENSE BAGAIMANA CARA AKTIVASI MICROSOFT OFFICE 2013 LEWAT SKYPE 1. Install Office 2013 Seperti biasa 2. Matikan Internet terlebih dahulu !!! Setelah selesai menginstall Office 2013, buka Word 2013 dan masukkan serial number yang sudah di download di blog ini 4. Masukkan Serial Number dan Klik Install 5. Pilih " I want to activate the software by telephone" lalu klik Next 6. Catat Installasi ID yang muncul di dalam notepad dan Gunakan Negara "United Kingdom" serta pilih "Toll-Free" lalu catat juga nomor yang tertera seperti gambar di bawah ini Contoh nomor telepon Microsoft UK [+448000188354] atau USA [+18664323012] semuanya bebas pulsa [Jika lewat skype] 7. Gunakan Skype untuk menelpon nomor UK, sebelumnya ente harus punya skype serta membuat akunnya terlebih dahulu. 7a. DOWNLOAD SKYPE DISINI 7b. REGISTRASI DENGAN EMAIL YANG VALID 8. Lakukan panggilan dengan nomor yang tadi dicatat [UK Number] dan jika ditanya Pertanyaan : Product key for home or business Jawab : tekan tombol 1 yang ada di skype Pertanyaan : How many computer you want to use it Jawab : tekan tombol 1 yang ada di skype 9. Ketik installation ID yang sudah di catat sebelumnya, JANGAN SAMPAI SALAH ! 10. Kemudian robot akan memberitahukan Confirmation ID dari A sampai H, Masukkan Confirmation ID tersebut kedalam kotak Confirmation ID dan Klik Next. 11. Setelah teraktivasi maka akan muncul seperti layar di bawah ini.ENJOY YOUR OFFICE 2013 Jika sudah menggunakan serial number namun di blokir, gunakan cara di bawah ini untuk memasukkan serial number kembali tanpa harus install ulang Untuk Windows 7 and 8 Klik Control Panel --> Programs --> Programs and Features --> Klik Microsoft Office 2013 --> Click Change. Matikan internet sebelum memasukkan serial number yang baru ! |
Posted: 21 Jan 2013 05:56 AM PST GameBoost | 1.74 MB GameBoost adalah salah satu software yang serupa seperti GameGain. Yakni untuk menigkatkan kualitas dalam bermain game. Game-game yang tadinya membutuhkan persyaratan yang tinggi, menjadi lebih smooth dan lebih rendah dengan menggunakan software ini. GameBoost bekerja dengan membuat beberapa perubahan registry dan sistem untuk meningkatkan kinerja hardware gaming pada PC kamu, hal ini memungkinkan kamu untuk memainkan game terbaru tanpa harus menghabiskan ratusan ribu untuk meng-upgrade perangkat keras PC kamu. Perubahan registry ini dibuat untuk komputer kamu untuk meningkatkan penggunaan memori, bagaimana aplikasi latar depan diprioritaskan dengan CPU, akses hard drive membaca dan menulis kecepatan, seberapa cepat grafis dapat ditampilkan pada layar kamu, kecepatan keseluruhan koneksi internet kamu dan latency. PASSWORD : software182.com |
GameGain Full Version Posted: 21 Jan 2013 10:05 AM PST GameGain Full Version | 1.7 MB Salah satu produk pertama dan paling komprehensif, GameGain menetapkan standar untuk perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk optimasi PC gam . GameGain langsung meningkatkan kinerja komputer kamu. Dengan banyaknya game PC terbaru yang membutuhkan persyaratan hardware yang tinggi untuk memiliki pengalaman gaming yang cocok, penting untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja komputer kamu. Untuk inilah ada software ini yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja komputer kamu saat bermain game ! Dengan menggunakan software ini, persayaratan hardware yang begitu tinggi dapat di "kompress" sedemikian rupa sehingga game yang tadinya punya persayaratan hardware lebih tinggi bisa menjadi lebih rendah ! dan juga software ini dapat mencegah lag atau macet saat bermain game ! jadi tidak membutuhkan untuk upgrade hardware secara signifikan. Fitur "GameGain": · Membuat perubahan langsung ke sistem registry dan file sistem untuk meningkatkan memori, layar gambar, animasi, refresh rate, kecepatan cpu threading. · Secara otomatis menyesuaikan pengaturan dan perubahan yang dibuat berdasarkan spesifikasi komputer, kesalahan sistem toleransi yang lengkap dilaksanakan. · Teknologi Terbukti yang dapat menggandakan frame per tingkat kedua dalam permainan. · Sistem analisa mendalam dan fitur diagnostik yang mencoba untuk menemukan dan memperbaiki setiap potensi masalah dengan komputer mempengaruhi kinerjanya. · Advanced perangkat lunak berbasis over-clocking fitur untuk meningkatkan memori dan prioritas cpu. · Mudah dan intuitif antarmuka pengguna yang melakukan semua perubahan pengaturan segera. PASSSWORD : software182.com |
Posted: 21 Jan 2013 05:35 AM PST Maxprog eMail Verifier 3.6.2 | 2.8 MB Verifier eMail adalah software yang dapat menghemat waktu dan uang untuk bisnis yang mengirim newsletter kepada klien, organisasi nirlaba yang mengirim buletin kepada anggota mereka, atau setiap orang atau usaha yang perlu untuk mempertahankan daftar e-mail kontak bersih. Verifier eMail bekerja pada algoritma sama dengan ISP sistem surat lakukan. Alamat email untuk diekstrak dari Server Penamaan Domain (DNS) dan Verifier eMail mencoba untuk terhubung dengan SMTP-server dan mensimulasikan pengiriman pesan. Ini tidak mengirim pesan meskipun - Verifier eMail terputus segera setelah server mail menginformasikan program apakah alamat itu ada atau tidak. Verifier eMail adalah solusi yang tepat untuk kamu untuk mencegah standar "kesalahan pengiriman pesan." Verifier Email memverifikasi setiap alamat e-mail dari milis tertentu, yang memungkinkan kamu untuk menentukan 80-90% dari alamat email yang "mati". Verifier eMail adalah bagian yang sangat efektif dari perangkat lunak yang dapat memverifikasi lebih dari 10 e-mail per detik. Hal ini dapat memverifikasi daftar e-mail secara tunggal atau banyak. Verifier eMail adalah multithreaded, menyediakan kecepatan tinggi dalam proses verifikasi. Fitur Utama: • Kemungkinan untuk memverifikasi alamat email kedua tunggal dan daftar. • Validasi setiap alamat email simulasi pengiriman pesan langsung. • Kemungkinan untuk menyeimbangkan beban domain lookup antara 2 server DNS. • Alamat email diverifikasi secara individual menggunakan satu set 80 built-in aturan. • Dukungan untuk Kode Status Mail Sistem Peningkatan. • Laporan informasi rinci tentang setiap tes termasuk lookup DNS. • Cepat multi-threaded engine. • fungsi ekspor Customizable - kamu dapat menyimpan data asli atau hasil tes. • log koneksi lengkap, informasi secara keseluruhan dan statistik PASSWORD : software182.com |
Advanced SystemCare Pro + Serial Number Posted: 21 Jan 2013 02:41 AM PST Advanced SystemCare Pro + Serial Number | 20 MB Advanced SystemCare Pro - Advanced SystemCare provides an always-on, automated, all-in-one PC Healthcare Service with anti-spyware, privacy protection, performance tune-ups, and system cleaning capabilities. This powerful and award-winning precision tool fixes stubborn errors, cleans out clutter, optimizes internet and download speeds, ensures personal security and maintains maximum computer performance automatically. Advanced SystemCare Pro - Designed for the latest Windows system environment and to speed up your PC and provide more reliability. Safely cleans registry junk, compacts registry bloats and defragments the whole registry for maximum performance. Find and fix the registry errors others miss with our "Deep Scan" technology. Changes in Advanced SystemCare Pro - :
Posted: 21 Jan 2013 12:12 AM PST Windows 8 Pro Retail Keys & Windows Media Center Promotional Keys 21 January 2013 [Working 100% & Permanent Activation] There are two steps to activate your Windows 8 Pro WMC, First, you should activate your Windows 8 Pro by phone. Second, use that promotional keys to add WMC Manually. Here are the steps. READ IT CAREFULLY !!! YOU SHOULD DOWNLOAD ALL KEYS BELOW HERE IF YOU WANT TO GET WINDOWS 8 PRO WITH MEDIA CENTER ! DOWNLOAD WINDOWS 8 PRO RETAIL KEYS BELOW HERE DOWNLOAD WINDOWS 8 WMC PROMOTIONAL KEYS BELOW HERE FIRST STEP [ACTIVATE YOUR WINDOWS 8 PRO BY PHONE/SKYPE] You Need to Disable Internet for a start 1. Hold the Mouse on the left corner and Run Command Prompt (Admin) 2. Type this scrip and hit Enter slmgr.vbs -ipk <Product Key> 3. Type this scrip and hit Enter you will get the Error [Ignore the error] --> slmgr.vbs -ato 4. Go This Location >>> Control Panel\System and Security\System and click View detail in Windows activation 5. Hit Activate by phone 6. Next will be choose Country Selection hit that then you come to confirmation ID Quote ***Attention this part: 7a. Download skype FREE [If you do not have it yet] Registrationis easy too all you need valid mail address 7b. Dial UK number free call using skype [+448000188354] I strongly suggest use this number first or USA [+18664323012] 7c. First question are you home user or business ***[answer home user -dial1]*** Important 7d.Type installation ID without making mistake 7e. After second question how many computer you activated ***[Only One Dial 1]***Important 8. Type correctly the confirmation ID giving by robot in the confirmation ID boxes and enter the activation wizard finalize.. After successfully activate you will see your copy activated permenantly 9. Check Activation remaine grace period: --> slmgr.vbs /dlv 10. Check Volume activation expire --> slmgr /xpr HOW TO ACTIVATE WINDOWS MEDIA CENTER IN WINDOWS 8 PRO SECOND, USE PROMOTIONAL KEYS TO ADD WINDOWS MEDIA CENTER TO YOUR WINDOWS 8 PRO. READ IT CAREFULLY !!! 1. Go To Control Panel\System and Security\System Click on Get More Features with a new edition of Windows 2. Click I already have a product key. 3. Enter Your own WMC Promotional Product Key and stay online! [If you do not have and recieved WMS Key you can use one of the leak keys that you have downloaded from this site] 4. Tick accept the license terms Windows will include WMC features and will be restart automatically still stay online 5. After restart windows if you see your Windows is not activated just re enter thePromotional WMC Key ONCE MORE then you will see your Windows will be activated to Windows 8 Pro With WMC. This is usually due your hardware change that you need to re enter the WMC Keys after windows restart. 6. You can check your activation using those command prompt [Make sure your firewall is not blocking WmiPrvSE.exe.] slmgr /ato 7. After Successfully activate your product make sure you backup with Advance Token Manager. NOTE: After successfully activate Windows 8 Pro i recommend back up activation with Advance Token Manager after that you can click add features option with your Promotional WMC Keys to activate. After activating Windows 8 pro With WMC you should back up activation one more time. Make sure you save 2 back up files 1. Activating backup Windows 8 Pro 2. Activating backup file Windows 8 Pro With WMC In this way if anything goes wrong you can re activate one of this also if you want to downgrade your WMC edition to only Windows 8 Pro good to have both backup.. |
Maxprog FTP Disk 1.1.9 + Keygen Posted: 20 Jan 2013 11:45 PM PST Maxprog FTP Disk 1.1.9 | 3.6 MB Maxprog FTP Disk 1.1.9 In order to maintain your Web site you surely need some kind of FTP software however not all the FTP tools available today seem to be designed with frequent uploading in mind. Indeed, they are not always as handy as they could or should be. Actually, they all seem to copy each others. Updating files on your server can be a repetitive and boring process, and in many cases it's more trouble than it's worth. It doesn't have to be that way, however, as FTP Disk makes this whole process much more intuitive. Maxprog FTP Disk 1.1.9With FTP Disk just drag and drop your files directly on a server in the list to get them uploaded to the selected path. You can create as many servers as you need with different paths and initiate several uploads at the same time. Of course you can also log into servers as usual, navigate thru directories, create files and folders, download and upload files, modify text files with the built-in editor, preview pictures and change permissions. FTP Disk is also available in German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese and Korean. Maxprog FTP Disk 1.1.9 FTP Disk not only offers a very handy and easy-to-use interface for managing servers, indeed it is also very easy to navigate thru directories. Thanks to the directory bar, a visual and interactive control that displays your current location, you can move to other directories with a single click of your mouse. You can create favorite locations and jump to them at any time. Those favorites are available from the server panel so you can go directly to a directory when connecting to a server or upload files to it! Maxprog FTP Disk 1.1.9 Key Features • Detects and use your language if available. • All-in-one interface with simultaneous views of remote and local files for easy transfers. • Visual and interactive directory bar for easy navigation thru directories. • High-speed multiple downloading and uploading including directly to disconnected servers. • Support for the FTP and FTPS protocols. • Built-in text editor to edit remote text files and remote pictures viewer. • Support for duplicating, copying and moving files and folders. • Advanced file permission and ownership editor. • Complete server manager with support for unlimited favorite paths. • Complete FTP error checking and handling. • Detailed connection log of commands sent and responses received from the server. • Native versions for Mac OS X (Universal) and Windows. PASSWORD : software182.com |
Backup Outlook 3.0.20 Full Version Posted: 20 Jan 2013 11:42 PM PST Backup Outlook 3.0.20 | 7.6 MB Backup Outlook 3.0.20 | Backup all your Outlook data and settings including Emails, Contacts, Tasks, your Calendar, Notes, Journal entries, Email accounts, Outlook rules, Signatures and many more. And if you need to, restore your Outlook data with only a few clicks! Backup Outlook 3.0.20 | Do you want to save your important Outlook information? Backup Outlook 3.0.20 | "Backup Outlook" enables everybody to back up all of their Outlook data. You can even protect your Outlook backup with a secure password! Backup Outlook 3.0.20 | Transfer your complete Outlook data and Outlook settings to another computer. Do you have a new PC? Backup Outlook 3.0.20 | Just restore your complete Outlook to the new computer and start working with your Outlook as you left Outlook on your old computer. You need only one license to backup Outlook on the old computer and to transfer your Outlook to the new computer. Is your profile not created yet? No problem! BackupOutlook will create your profile if necessary. Schedule the backup of your Outlook data and keep your latest backups for the case that one backup doesn't contain the data you are looking for. This way you will never lose any important Outlook information. Backup Outlook 3.0.20 | Your Outlook backup can be compressed if required. Simply choose the compression rate. Backup Outlook 3.0.20 | Version 3.0.20 New: 'Backup Outlook' works with Windows 8 PASSWORD : software182.com |
Maxprog eMail Bounce Handler 3.8.4 Full Version Posted: 20 Jan 2013 11:38 PM PST Maxprog telah mengembangkan eMail Handler Bounce, email bouncing penyaringan dan penanganan perangkat lunak yang mengakui email bouncing menggunakan seperangkat disesuaikan aturan dan alamat ekstrak penerima memungkinkan kamu untuk menggunakannya lagi untuk mencoba mengirim pesan kamu atau untuk membawa mereka dari daftar kamu. Handler Bounce eMail mampu memproses pesan bouncing dari semua jenis sumber seperti file lokal kamu, kotak surat baik remote dan lokal, tetes teks biasa dan dari clipboard. Dalam kasus eMail akses Handler Bounce jarak jauh memberikan dukungan untuk kedua POP dan IMAP protokol, mengambil pesan bouncing dan menjaga pesan lain tersentuh. Setelah pesan bouncing kamu telah diproses kamu mendapatkan daftar "mati" alamat email kamu dapat mengekspor dalam rangka untuk membersihkan daftar asli kamu atau mencoba untuk mengirim pesan kamu lagi. Fitur Utama: • POP, IMAP APOP dan dukungan lainnya • Kendali SSL v1, v2, v3 dan TLSv1 • Dukungan untuk DSNs (Pengiriman Pemberitahuan Status) dan Mail Kode System Status Ditingkatkan • Ekstraksi bounce dari tetes teks, tetes teks file dan clipboard • Ekstraksi bounce dari Mac OS X Mail, Microsoft Entourage dan PowerMail • Beberapa akun disesuaikan • Terjadwal koneksi dukungan • aturan penyaringan Customizable • 60 aturan yang telah ditetapkan untuk menangani hampir 99,9% memantul • Customizable tanda penghapusan • Fungsi Customizable ekspor • log Lengkap koneksi ENGLISH TRANSLATION: PASSWORD : software182.com |
Posted: 20 Jan 2013 11:22 PM PST App Tamer v1.3.2 Mac OS X | 3.7 MB App Tamer tames applications that are chewing up excessive CPU time and battery life on your Mac. Its unique "AutoStop" feature will stop an application when you switch away from it, and then automatically restart it when you click back to it. App Tamer includes an attractive and clear user interface for managing your running applications. It shows the average percentage of your processor(s) being used by each app, and graphically displays a history of CPU usage. You can easily enable AutoStop for any application, as well as change its processing priority in OS X. Got Unruly Applications? Some applications, like web browsers and older apps, continue running tasks or animating ads even when they're idle. That uses valuable CPU time, which leaves you with: Less CPU time for the application you're using Reduced battery run-time Increased heat Tame Them with App Tamer Find the culprits and get them under control. With App Tamer, you simply do this: 1. Launch App Tamer and click on Details 2. Sort your running applications by average CPU usage 3. Click the checkbox next to apps that need to be tamed 4. Save battery and CPU time App Tamer will automatically pause those applications whenever you're not using them, reducing their CPU use to zero. AutoStop Does All The Work Unlike some utilities that let you manually stop processes, App Tamer's unique "AutoStop" feature handles the details for you. It pauses an application when you switch away from it, then automatically restarts it when you start using it again. Just set it and forget it - App Tamer quietly saves battery and CPU power while you work (or play). But You're in Control App Tamer's preferences let you tune its behavior to your needs, whether you're frugally conserving battery power or feeding every last CPU cycle to Starcraft. There's even an App Tamer menu in the menubar to make fast changes and check the status of the apps you're running. Road Warriors Take Note! Recovering even a small percentage of your CPU time can translate into significant battery savings. Stopping an application that's consuming 5% of your CPU can translate into 20 or 30 minutes of additional battery runtime. PASWORD : software182.com |
Yamicsoft Windows 8 Manager v1.0.5 + Keymaker Posted: 20 Jan 2013 06:49 PM PST Yamicsoft Windows 8 Manager v1.0.5 + Keymaker | 10 MB Why Should I use Windows 8 Manager? Windows 8 is the newest Operating System for home users and professionals alike. Windows 8 brings clarity to your world, so you can more safely and easily accomplish everyday tasks and instantly find what you want on your PC. Windows 8 Manager is the powerful software tool to tweak and optimize your Windows 8, it bundles more than 30 different utilities in one and help your system faster and more stable, secure and personal! Features and Benefits of Windows 8 Manager Information: Get detailed system and all hardware information on your system; help you find out the installation key of Windows, Office products; show all detailed information of running processes and threads on your machine; Windows 8 Manager offers 1-clicking Cleaner cleans your system automatically; Repair Center helps you to fix various system problems. Optimizer: Tweak your system to improve windows startup and shutdown speed, tweak your hardware to increase system speed and performance; Control what is started on Windows startup, check and repair the advanced starup items to restore the malicious change by viruses; Tune up and optimize system services and Task Schedule, turn off smartly some unnecessary system services and tasks to improve system performance. Cleaner: Find out which files or folders engross your disk space and shown with chart; Smart Uninstaller can fully delete programs from your system without residual files and Registry entries; Find and clean junk files to increase Hard Disk space; Duplicate Files Finder can scan your computer for files with the same size, name and modification time; Registry Cleaner checks and repair incorrectly linked Registry entries; Registry Defrag rebuilds and re-indexes your Registry to reduce registry access time and therefore improve application responsiveness; Desktop Cleaner can clean useless icons and files on Desktop easily. Customization: Customize the look of your system by tweaking system Explorer, Desktop, Start Menu, Taskbar and notification area; Create the quick startup items on Taskbar with the Jump List launcher; Tune up Windows 7 boot menu; Edit context menus of mouse Right-Clicking; Edit easily the Win + X menu that shown when right-click on Desktop bottom-left corner or Win + X keyboard shortcut ; Create the shortcut that executed quick on run dialog box. Visual Customizer can change system and file type icons, change the lock screen image automatically. Security: Improve system security by tweaking system components, UAC and login settings; Tune up System Restore options; Hide and restrict to access drives and programs; Encrypt/decrypt files, move system folders to safe locations; Undelete the files that accidentally deleted or formatted on disk; Privacy Protector can maintain your personal privacy by eliminating the tracks that you leave behind; Hide, add or delete the Control Panel entries. Network: Optimize your Internet connection speed, manage all shares items; Tweak your Internet Explorer easily; IP Switcher can switch your IP address easily on different networks; Edits the Hosts file to speed up surfing internet and permit only to access the specified Hosts. Misc. Utilities: Show the collection of Windows utilities; split and merge any files; Automatically back up files regularly using Super Copy. Registry Tools help you to operate Registry easily. Changes in 1.0.5:
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