Love him or hate him, billionaire businessman
Clive Palmer has a knack for grabbing the public spotlight.
From the carbon tax to the defeat of Queensland's Labor Government and the future of Australian soccer, he's got an opinion on just about everything.
Now he's making a tilt at federal politics and his sights are set on the Brisbane electorate currently held by the Treasurer, Wayne Swan.
From Brisbane, Kirrin McKechnie reports on the mining magnate's titanic bid to become a Federal MP.
KIRRIN MCKECHNIE: It's certainly an unusual way to announce your bid to enter federal politics, if not rather ominous.
To first tell the world you're building a luxury cruise liner, and calling it the Titanic II.
But that's
Clive Palmer for you.
CLIVE PALMER: Why can't we build the Titanic? I think we can.
KIRRIN MCKECHNIE: The mining magnate says if all goes to plan the Titanic II's maiden voyage will take place in late 2016.
And just like his election-bid, he has no intention of letting it sink.
CLIVE PALMER: Well of course it will sink if you put a hole in it, but it's not going to be designed with a hole in. It's going to be designed so it won't sink and it'll be designed as a modern ship with all the latest technology to ensure that that doesn't happen, you know. Of course if you're superstitious, like you are, you never know what could happen.
KIRRIN MCKECHNIE: You certainly don't, especially when Clive Palmer's involved.
The mining magnate made his titanic announcement first thing this morning, then kept journalists hanging for a second media conference, where he revealed he was throwing his hat in the federal political ring, as a Liberal National Party candidate.
And he's got his sights set on the Brisbane electorate of Lilley, currently held by the Treasurer, Wayne Swan.
CLIVE PALMER: The Treasurer's been very vocal in his criticism of me, Andrew Forrest, Gina Rinehart and other people that have carried the torch for this nation in difficult economic times, while the Government has done little to support Australians, little to support our national economy.
He's been the sitting member for far too long and it's about time we got the country moving again.
KIRRIN MCKECHNIE: Clive Palmer's no stranger to conservative politics, as both a contributor and commentator.
He rose to prominence as a spokesman for the Nationals during the controversial Queensland premiership of Joh Bjelke-Petersen.
He's even had a crack at federal politics before, running for pre-selection in the Sunshine Coast seat of Fisher in 1984, only to lose by just one vote to the embattled Speaker, Peter Slipper.
Now, he says, he's ready to run again.
CLIVE PALMER: I've done this because the Treasurer and myself both have clear different visions of where this country should go and what we should do. I believe we should be getting bigger and stronger, creating more wealth for our people, so that we've got more money to distribute to the things that need to be done in this country.
KIRRIN MCKECHNIE: Yet the billionaire businessman sees no reason why he should give up his business interests.
CLIVE PALMER: We've only got a small family company really. That's all we - a small family business, so I don't think I have to give up anything if I win the seat. Politics is about ideas; you're not there for money. You're not going to become rich being a politician.
KIRRIN MCKECHNIE: Queensland is a state that has always delivered more than its fair share of colourful political characters.
And after the previous ALP State Government's electoral disaster last month, Queenslanders seem hell bent on voting for anyone other than Labor.
Former Queensland Premier, Peter Beattie, says anything could happen in Queensland before the next federal election.
PETER BEATTIE: Well the way we're going he'll probably win, and heaven help the lot of us. Clive Palmer, heaven knows, he might the new Treasurer in an Abbott government.
I've got to say, Queensland politics is so bizarre. You can't rule anything out in the current climate. And you couldn't say we'll hold the seat as much as Wayne Swan will work on it and he's been a good Treasurer and all the rest of it, who knows. Clive Palmer? He may even be the Prime Minister.
KIM LANDERS: Former Queensland premier, Peter Beattie, ending that report from Kirrin McKechnie in Brisbane.
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