China will be Change Sea Water into Fresh Water
China's big dream will come true in time soon is to make fresh water from sea water desalination atawa. According to Xinhua news on Friday (06/24/2011), the desire was encouraged by the fact the less fresh supply of fresh water throughout the country is the Great Wall.
As the pace of realization, the National Commission for Development and Reform (NDRC) has took 11 departments concerned. "They are working to accelerate all activities for sea water desalination facility," said Deputy Director of the Department for Environment and Natural Resources NDRC Li Jing.
There is already a draft of the construction of desalination facilities throughout China until the next five years. Later, there will be development offerings to companies for this program.
China is lately growing shortage of clean water sources. According to calculations, clean water sources can only meet a quarter of the global average.
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