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world news

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Kebijakan Pajak Tahun 2012

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Full Version Software

Full Version Software

Windows XP Professional SP3 Integrated October 2012

Posted: 22 Oct 2012 09:04 AM PDT

Windows XP Professional SP3 Integrated October 2012 | 651 MB

This is the original Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 ISO (Volume License) including Microsoft updates till 06.10.2012, Internet Explorer 8, Adobe Flash Player 11.3 and SATA drivers. 


* NO graphics, scripts and wallpapers added or changed.
* NO serial needed during installation, the key is already inserted.
* It's just the original image from Microsoft except updates, IE8, Adobe Flash Player (11.3.300.271) and SATA drivers!
* Windows Messenger, MSN Explorer and Internet Explorer 6 were removed.


Android Applications Pack October 2012

Posted: 22 Oct 2012 08:53 AM PDT

Android Applications Pack October 2012 | 500 MB

In this amazing pack, you can have all the below apps !  :
  1. Hey.Zombie.v1.0.01-Game-AnDrOiD
  2. My.Budget.Book.v3.0-AnDrOiD
  3. Photo.Editor.v2.0.0-AnDrOiD
  5. Smoke.A.Bowl.v3.2.0-AnDrOiD
  6. TomTom.D-A-CH.v1.0-AnDrOiD
  7. TomTom.Poland.v1.0-AnDrOiD
  8. Wifi.And.USB.Hotspot.v1.0-AnDrOiD
  9. Extreme.Biking.3D.v1.0-Game-AnDrOiD
  11. Snappy.Dragons.2.Premium.v1.0-Game-AnDrOiD
  12. Sygic GPS Navigation 11.0.1 for Android
  13. StarCaptain.v1.11-Game-AnDrOiD
  14. Magnetic.Balls.Live.Wallpaper.v2.12-AnDrOiD
  15. BSPlayer.v1.5.136-AnDrOiD
  16. EveryCircuit.Full.v1.15-AnDrOiD
  17. DicePlayer.v2.0.16-AnDrOiD
  18. 360.Panorama.v1.0.17-AnDrOiD
  20. Battery.HD.Pro.v1.19-AnDrOiD
  21. Audio.Control.v1.8.1-AnDrOiD
  22. Endomondo.Sports.Tracker.PRO.v8.2.1-AnDrOiD
  23. File.Expert.Pro.v5.0.1-AnDrOiD
  24. FolderSync.v2.2.1-AnDrOiD
  25. gReader.Pro.(Google.Reader).v3.0.1-AnDrOiD
  26. GreenPower.premium.v8.6.1-AnDrOiD
  27. Paperland.Pro.Live.Wallpaper.v1.4.1-AnDrOiD
  28. ssLauncher.the.Original.v1.8.1-AnDrOiD
  29. The.Bards.Tale.v1.1.1-Game-AnDrOiD
  30. Call.Recorder.Galaxy.S2.and.S3.FULL.v1.9.25-AnDrOiD
  31. GrooVe.IP.v1.2.27-AnDrOiD
  32. Camera.FV-5.v1.29-AnDrOiD
  33. A.I.type.Keyboard.Plus.v1.9.7.2-AnDrOiD
  34. Clean.Gloss.Go.Launcher.Theme.v1.2-AnDrOiD
  35. GPS.Tracking.Pro.v5.2-AnDrOiD
  36. HD.Widgets.v3.2.2-AnDrOiD
  37. Memedroid.Pro.v2.4.2-AnDrOiD
  38. Paper.Camera.v3.3.2-AnDrOiD
  40. FlashLight.HD.LED.Pro.v1.41-AnDrOiD
  41. GOWidget.Theme.-.Transparency.v3.49-AnDrOiD
  42. Dropsync.v2.3.4.with.Dropsync.PRO.Key.v2.3.4-AnDrOiD
  43. Mineforge.-.Pocket.Edition.v1.4-Game-AnDrOiD
  44. iTriage.Health.v4.50-AnDrOiD
  45. MyCalendar.Mobile.v2.53-AnDrOiD
  46. doubleTwist.Alarm.Clock.v1.3.5-AnDrOiD
  47. MXHome.Launcher.3.0.v3.0.5-AnDrOiD
  48. Navier.HUD.Navigation.Premium.v1.4.5-AnDrOiD
  49. Android.Tuner.v0.1.6-AnDrOiD
  50. EyeEm.-.Photo.Filter.Camera.v3.1.6-AnDrOiD
  51. Manga.Watcher.v0.6.6-AnDrOiD
  52. Navier.HUD.Navigation.Premium.v1.4.6-AnDrOiD
  53. Cut.the.Rope.Experiments.HD.v1.1.6-Game-AnDrOiD
  54. Cut.the.Rope.Experiments.v1.1.6-Game-AnDrOiD
  55. TV.Show.Favs.Premium.v3.0.717-AnDrOiD
  56. Zion.Tower.Defense.v1.1.7-Game-AnDrOiD
  57. Alarm.Clock.Xtreme.v3.3.8p-AnDrOiD
  58. SMS.Backup.And.Restore.Pro.v5.92-AnDrOiD
  59. Audio.Control.v1.9-AnDrOiD
  60. Battery.and.Cpu.manager.v1.0-ROOTED.DEVICES.ONLY-AnDrOiD
  61. BusyBox.Pro.v9.6.4-ROOTED.DEVICES.ONLY-AnDrOiD
  62. Mobile.ODIN.Pro.v3.35-ROOTED.DEVICES.ONLY-AnDrOiD
  63. ROM.Toolbox.Pro.v5.3.9-ROOTED.DEVICES.ONLY-AnDrOiD
  65. Ultimate.Guitar.Tabs.v1.7.3.with.Tab.Pro.and.Guitar.Tools-AnDrOiD
  67. Drum.Kit.v65-AnDrOiD


Adobe Creative Suite CS6 Master Collection

Posted: 22 Oct 2012 08:43 AM PDT

Adobe Creative Suite CS6 Master Collection | 6.9 GB

Flash Professional CS6

A new version of the Flash Professional for CS6 receive a 64-bit support and will be available for the Mac, where it will run as fast as the version for Windows. Among other functions listed in the documentation include the following:

Increase productivity and usability for a wide range of platforms and devices.
New functions to create complex and realistic animations that can be edited in Flash Professional.
The improvement of tools for optimizing content creation.

Direct integration with Dreamweaver CS6 recently announced PhoneGap Build service will help Web professionals use the existing set of skills and create native mobile applications for various platforms.

Photoshop CS6

"With the new revolutionary possibilities of the software Adobe Photoshop CS6, you get a new ability to edit photos and improve the performance of their work," the document says. New features in Photoshop CS6 are listed below:
Fill your stories with movement DSLR-Video in Photoshop. Convert videos and images as it was not possible before.
Switch between screens and get more accurate results than ever before, with new drawing tools and graphics.
Do your work in record time thanks to a substantial increase in productivity advanced workflow capabilities.

Adobe increases bet on HTML5 tools for professional web design

Innovative features and common workflows for all Adobe tools are designed to simplify the creative process of today's Web designers, developers and professionals of the interactive sphere.

Web professionals can conveniently integrate created using Adobe Edge Preview animated content in the HTML5 draft Dreamweaver: Adobe makes great tools to work with HTML5 more accessible.

Creating Web sites for various platforms has become much easier with Dreamweaver CS6. With the new version of the application, you can create models of mobile web sites, eliminating the lengthy process of creating and configuring individual interfaces for mobile phones, Tablet PCs based on the CSS.

Flash Professional CS6 users can easily apply their skills in HTML5 with Flash Professional Toolkit for CreateJS. Flash Professional CS6 also help designers to create beautiful, memorable game. New features in applications, in particular, include the ability to generate a storyboard characters to expedite the process of creating interactive content and performance of Web applications.

Built-in expansion and new options to create a software package based on the latest versions of libraries Adobe Flash Player and AIR to help extend and simplify the creation of applications for Android and iOS.

Illustrator CS6:

Among other functions listed in the documentation include the following:

• Creating a new mode of patterns that makes it easy to create and edit patterns.
• Ability to apply gradients to the brush strokes with 3 different ways.
• A new tool for tracing, which allows transforming images into distinct vector illustration.
• Automatic generation of angles brush patterns.
• The Fast Track work flow for web and interactive design.
• Integration with the Maestro and CS Review.

Premiere Pro CS6

The new version of Premiere Pro will also have different high-performance and stability through the use of advanced engine Mercury Playback Engine. Adobe promises that the update will allow users to more quickly open a project, process the video in HD, and play multiple files and process the rich effects of projects.

Premiere Pro for CS6 will also include an interface enhancements designed to simplify everyday tasks, making it easier for them to users who are familiar with products such as Final Cut Pro and Avid.
Among other things, Premiere Pro CS6 will include its own workflow, relieving users from using transkoda. The program also supports a closed grip and allows you to easily create subtitles, standards-compliant Section 508.

After Effects CS6

Functions of Adobe After Effects CS6, according to the documentation will include the following:
• Warp Stabilizer: Convert video, filmed shaking hands in the movies that look as if they were shooting on a tripod or with the use of Steadicam.
• Persistent Disk Caching: Minimize the need for re-processing framework to more quickly see the preview by storing them on disk layers.
• Workflows Enhanced Stereoscopic 3D: Easier configuration settings within the After Effects camera and processing signals from multiple cameras without overlapping component.
• Supports source timecode: Easier transfer of data with frame accuracy using materials of the same project in other instruments for post-production.
• Minor upgrades that significantly alter your daily workflow.
• New support for import and export formats, filmless.

The procedure for treatment
To install, click trial.
Password: kvakvakva

cara install, gunakan adobe ID
login :
password : kvakvakva

1) Run as administrator of the activator (for Vista / 7)
2) Remove the check mark Make Backup
3) Press the Patch
4) Search the file? - Click yes and go to the folder Adobe.
And so in every location where there is amtlib.dll (except Acrobat 10.0)
(For each transaction (folders) must be run each time the activator.)


Adobe Muse 2.2

Posted: 22 Oct 2012 08:22 AM PDT

Adobe Muse 2.2 | 56 MB

Software Adobe Muse - A construction site is to visually map the changes is provided in real-time. Thus appear to have photo's HTML code sites are opening, the panel allows you to edit a web page as an image to work. Obviously, this approach focuses on the development environment available to users even without higher education. Muse application of new web standards such as HTML5 and CSS3 uses.
Some features of this software:
  • Adobe professional products company
  • Site Builder is a highly advanced optical instruments
  • Comply with the new standards, including HTML5 and CSS3 web Saytaz
  • Focus on the underlying code of the software
  • The high maneuverability of the software using special algorithms
  • Modules come with an exclusive features
  • And many more...


Canon EOS DIGITAL Solution Disk 25.2

Posted: 22 Oct 2012 08:08 AM PDT

Canon EOS DIGITAL Solution Disk 25.2 | 512 MB

Canon EOS DIGITAL Solution Disk is a critical application for all Canon EOS cameras., Canon is a Japanese company that specializes in imaging and photography products, is special.'s Suite of tools to view, edit, organize and print your photos Bhtrdvrbyn to control you. these sets is also provided for the Canon EOS 650D camera. cameras Canon is the first company to market with the Leica lenses. 
Some features of this software: 

  • View and organize RAW images 
  • RAW images are adjusted in real time. 
  • Crop and adjust image 
  •  Resize images 
  • Lens distortion correction 
  • Print JPEG and TIFF 
  • Print RAW images 
  • Processing images to remove all traces of dust 
  • Convert RAW images to JPEG or TIFF 
  • And .. Many More


Xilisoft iPhone Magic Platinum v5.4.5.20121018 Portable

Posted: 21 Oct 2012 06:21 PM PDT

Xilisoft iPhone Magic Platinum v5.4.5.20121018 Portable | 60 MB

Featured as iPhone manager, Xilisoft iPhone Magic integrates with all solutions to transfer, backup and manage music/movies/photos/books between iPhone and computer. It enables you to backup all multimedia files in iPhone to computer or iTunes, move files from computer to iPhone, convert DVD movie, common video and audio files with no requirement for installing any other decrypter or decoder software, download exciting online videos from top online videos websites, extract audios to make personalized iPhone ringtones from audio/video files and etc.

Fully support all iPhone/iPod/iPod touch models and connect to multiple devices simultaneously to accomplish file transferring mutually is enabled as well. This powerful and easy iPhone solution provider contributes to convert/transfer video to iPhone, music to iPhone, online videos to iPhone, photos and books in PDF and EPUB formats to iPhone and DVD to iPhone for users to enjoy movies and music in multiple formats on iPhone with ease.
  •     Transfer, backup and manage iPhone music, movies, photos, books and ringtones
  •     Convert all media files to iPhone supported formats
  •     Decrypt and rip DVD movies and CD music for iPhone playback
  •     Download and convert exciting online videos for playable on iPhone
  •     Make customized iPhone ringtones and transfer to iPhone or iTunes directly
  •     Connect multiple devices simultaneously to complete mutual file transferring
  •     View music, movies and photos in multiple modes
  •     Fully support all iPhone/iPod/iPod touch models, iTunes 10, and iOS 5

File Formats Supported
  1. CD/DVD : CD, DVD-Video, DVD folder, ISO file
  3. Audio : AAC, AIF, AIFF, AC3, APE, CUE, AU, FLAC, MPA, MP2, MP3, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, CDA, M4A, MP4
  4. Image : BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG

System Requirements top
  • Microsoft® Windows XP (SP2 or later), Windows Vista,Windows 7
  • Processor 1GHz Intel/AMD processor or above
  • RAM 256MB RAM (512MB or above recommended)
  • Free Hard Disk     50MB space for installation
  • Graphics Card Super VGA (800×600) resolution, 16-bit graphics card or higher
  • Others     
  • iTunes 9.1 or above; DVD-ROM drive; Internet connection


Advanced System Optimizer v3.5.1000.14553 Portable

Posted: 21 Oct 2012 06:16 PM PDT

Advanced System Optimizer v3.5.1000.14553 Portable | 24 MB

Advanced System Optimizer is a system tweaking suite that includes more than 30 tools to improve and tweak your PC`s performance, to keep your system running smoothly, speedily, and error free. It offers an attractive and easy to use interface that organizes all tasks into categories and provides graphical statistics whenever possible. The tools include junk file cleaner, memory optimizer, system information, system files backup, file encryption, safe uninstaller, duplicate file finder, windows transparency manager and much more. 

Advanced System Optimizer also includes a small SMTP server for direct mail sending, an Internet tracks eraser with cookie manager and secure deletion, and even a desktop sticky notes application. Overall, a great bundle that offers a wide range of system tools, as well as some extras that are not commonly found.

Smart PC Care (New)
One-Click Solution

Game Optimizer (New)
Play games in a disturbance free environment

Driver Updater (New)
update out dated and required drivers

System Protector (New)
Protection against malware, spyware, trojans

Disk Tools (New)
Check disks at startup

Backup Manager (New)
backup your important files and documents

PC Fixer (New)
fix the common problems instantly

Disk Optimizer (New)
Defrag hard disk and for optimized performance

Undelete (New)
Recover accidently deleted data

Secure Encryptor
password protect your personal files

Registry Cleaner
Clean Registry Errors

Registry Optimizer
Defrag registry for better performance

System Cleaner
clean junk data and free up disk space

Disk Explorer
Displays disk usage by files and folder

Uninstall Manager
remove the unneeded programs

Memory Optimizer
Free unused allocated memory for better utilization

Privacy Protector
Clean hidden privacy exposing traces

Secure Delete
permanently delete private data

System & Security Advisor
Fine tune system settings

Duplicate Files Remover
remove duplicate files

Startup Manager
remove unneeded programs from startup

1- Add this to hosts file Or Prevent Advanced System Optimizer To Connect To Internet
2- No Updating from this program, manually or auto! Or Never allow to phone home. It will deactivate.
3- Enjoy!

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