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Full Version Software

Full Version Software

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 RTM Final (32 Bit)

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 03:33 AM PDT

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 RTM Final (32 Bit) | 666 MB

Microsoft Office 2013 (also called Office 2013 and Office 15) is the upcoming version of the Microsoft Office productivity suite for Microsoft Windows, and the successor to Microsoft Office 2010.Office 2013 includes extended file format support, user interface updates, and support for touch.Office 2013 is also available for Windows RT . as well as IA-32 and X86-64, and requires Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 or later (hence cannot be installed on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 or other earlier versions)

Included :

  • Microsoft Access 2013
  • Microsoft Excel 2013
  • Microsoft InfoPath 2013
  • Microsoft Lync 2013
  • Microsoft OneNote 2013
  • Microsoft Outlook 2013
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2013
  • Microsoft Publisher 2013
  • Microsoft SkyDrive Pro 2013 
  • Microsoft Visio Viewer 2013
  • Microsoft Word 2013
  • Office Shared Features
  • Office Tools

ItemMinimum Requirement
Processor1 Ghz or greater x86/x64 Processor with SSE2 instruction set
Memory1 GB RAM (32 Bit), 2GB RAM (64 Bit)
Hard Disk Space3.0 GB free disk space
Display1024 x 576 resolution or higher
Graphics hardware acceleration requires a DirectX10 graphics card
Operating System
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows 8
  • Windows Server 2012


Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 RTM Final (64 Bit)

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 03:29 AM PDT

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 RTM Final (64 Bit) | 769 MB

Microsoft Office 2013 (also called Office 2013 and Office 15) is the upcoming version of the Microsoft Office productivity suite for Microsoft Windows, and the successor to Microsoft Office 2010.Office 2013 includes extended file format support, user interface updates, and support for touch.Office 2013 is also available for Windows RT . as well as IA-32 and X86-64, and requires Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 or later (hence cannot be installed on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 or other earlier versions)

Included :

  • Microsoft Access 2013
  • Microsoft Excel 2013
  • Microsoft InfoPath 2013
  • Microsoft Lync 2013
  • Microsoft OneNote 2013
  • Microsoft Outlook 2013
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2013
  • Microsoft Publisher 2013
  • Microsoft SkyDrive Pro 2013 
  • Microsoft Visio Viewer 2013
  • Microsoft Word 2013
  • Office Shared Features
  • Office Tools

ItemMinimum Requirement
Processor1 Ghz or greater x86/x64 Processor with SSE2 instruction set
Memory1 GB RAM (32 Bit), 2GB RAM (64 Bit)
Hard Disk Space3.0 GB free disk space
Display1024 x 576 resolution or higher
Graphics hardware acceleration requires a DirectX10 graphics card
Operating System
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows 8
  • Windows Server 2012


Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 03:22 AM PDT

Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 | 4.6 GB

OS X Mountain Lion brings a lot of great things from iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch to the Mac. You can send iMessages. Get your Mac in on Game Center. Receive notifications. And more. And with iCloud, now your Mac works even better with your iOS devices.

iCloud is how a Mac, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch work together.1 It keeps your mail, calendars, contacts, reminders, documents, notes, and more up to date wherever you use them. So when you add, delete, or change something on your Mac, it also happens on your iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. And vice versa. You don't have to do anything at all — iCloud is automatic and effortless. Just sign in once with your Apple ID and iCloud is set up in all the apps that use it. Suddenly, life's easier to juggle.

Organize your life on your Mac. It's all in a list. More than one, in fact. Make as many lists as you need and easily add to them. Set due dates and you'll get alerts as deadlines approach. Set a location from your Mac, and your iPhone or iPad will remind you when you get there. Check items off your lists as you go and keep track of what you've completed. iCloud keeps your reminders up to date on your Mac, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, so you don't forget anything.

Notes is designed for whatever's on your mind, wherever you happen to be. Think it up. Jot it down. Make it even more noteworthy with photos, images, and attachments. You can add, delete, and flip through your notes or do a quick search. Use the Share button to send your notes with Mail or Messages. Pin important notes to your desktop so they're easy to get to. And take them with you everywhere. Notes works with iCloud, so when you create or edit a note on your Mac, it automatically updates on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. And vice versa.

Messages with iMessage takes your conversations even further. Because now you can send messages to anyone on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 5, too. Messages appear on your Mac and any device you use, which means you can say hi from your Mac and keep chatting on your iPhone or iPad, no matter where you are. Send photos, videos, documents, and contacts — even send messages to a group. You'll see when your message has been delivered and when someone's typing a reply. Turn on read receipts, and they'll see when you've read a message. With end-to-end encryption, your messages stay safe and private.

Something new is always popping up somewhere on your Mac — an email, a message, a software update, a calendar alert. Notification Center makes it easy to stay on top of it all. Notifications always appear in the same spot on your desktop and disappear quickly so they don't clutter up your screen. Whenever you want to see all your notifications in one place, just swipe to the left from the right edge of the trackpad. And there they are, in a simple, ordered list. So you'll always know what's up as soon as it comes up.



Glyphs v1.3.1.1 Mac OS X

Posted: 24 Oct 2012 11:44 PM PDT

 Glyphs v1.3.1.1 Mac OS X | 7 MB

Glyphs' smart and simple approach helps you draw new typefaces, modify existing fonts, and sculpt your letterforms hassle-free.

- Use the layer palette to compare and keep variations of the same glyph's design.
- Glyphs takes care of generating accented glyphs for you, giving you more time to add that finishing touch. 
- Export your fonts into OpenType (.otf) or Unified Font Objects (.ufo) and Photofont (phf)
- Keep your outline's overlapping paths and let Glyphs do your work removing them when the OpenType font gets generated
- Glyphs has the most advanced node features of any design application, giving you unmatched creative freedom
- The transform box is your best friend. It gives you total control of node, off-curve node, and guide positioning.

Sys Req :

  • Intel
  • Mac OS X 10.5 or later
  • 64-bit processor


DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced

Posted: 24 Oct 2012 11:32 PM PDT

DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced | 20 MB

DAEMON Tools is an advanced application for multiprotection emulation. It is further development of Generic Safedisc emulator and incorporates all its features. This program allows running Backup Copies of SafeDisc (C-Dilla), Securom, Laserlock, CDCOPS, StarForce and Protect CD (and many others) protected games. Also included is a Virtual DVDROM drive (Generic DVD-ROM) enabling you to use your CD images as if they were already burned to CD! It is currently compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 with all types of CD/DVDROM drives (IDE/SCSI) and supports nearly any CD protection.


IBM SPSS Statistics v.21 + Amos v.21

Posted: 24 Oct 2012 11:31 PM PDT

IBM SPSS Statistics v.21 + Amos v.21 | 1.2 GB

The world's leading statistical software for business, government, research and academic organizations. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced analyst or statistician, IBM® SPSS® Statistics puts the power of advanced statistical analysis in your hands.

IBM SPSS Statistics is a comprehensive, easy-to-use set of predictive analytic tools for business users, analysts and statistical programmers. For more than 40 years, organizations of all types have relied on IBM SPSS Statistics to increase revenue, outmaneuver competitors, conduct research and make better decisions. 
IBM SPSS Statistics has helped organizations to:

- Identify which customers are likely to respond to specific promotional offers
- Boost profits and reduce costs by targeting only the most valuable customers
- Forecast future trends to better plan organizational strategies, logistics, and manufacturing processes
- Detect fraud and minimize business risk
- Analyze either/or outcomes, such as patient survival rates or good/bad credit risks
- Report results clearly and efficiently
- Understand which characteristics consumers relate most closely to their brand
- Identify groups, discover relationships between groups, and predict future events

IBM SPSS Statistics offers a broad range of statistical and analytical capabilities that organizations require. It's an easy-to-use, comprehensive software solution that:

- Addresses the entire analytical process from planning and data preparation to analysis, reporting and deployment
- Provides tailored functionality and custom interfaces for different skill levels and functional responsibilities of business users, analysts and statisticians
- Includes flexible deployment options from stand-alone desktop to enterprise-strength server versions
- Provides faster performance and more accurate results, compared to non-statistical, spreadsheet-type software
- Works with all common data types, external programming languages, operating systems and file types
- Offers a broad range of specialized techniques to speed productivity and increase effectiveness


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